Verbal Express

Our Resources.
Why should kids learn Public Speaking?
Kids need confidence
We have to utilize public speaking in almost everything we do. From school presentations to interviewing for jobs, not being able to speak with confidence may affect your future. Starting to learn from a young age is a good way to help you be successful in the future.​​
Good life skill to have
As mentioned before, it improves communication, confidence, and helps you gain many leadership qualities, such as critical thinking. Being able to speak in front of others will become a very widely-used practice as you grow older. ​
The benefits:
Improves Communication skills​
Being able to present your ideas in an organized and logical manner is very important.​
Increases Confidence
Overcoming the fear of speaking will help boost your courage to connect more effectively with your audience. ​
Develops Leadership qualities
Critical thinking
Convince others
Inspire Others
You have the power to persuade and motivate with your speaking. You can influence good change and convince others to do the same.​
What is the One Thing All Great Speeches have in Common?
Watch this TED talk above to understand that the one thing that all great speeches have in common is an idea!

What can you do to help prepare for your speech?
Practice giving the speech to friends or family members.​
Strive to make eye contact with some of your audience!
It helps you make a connection with your audience​
Make a list of things you’re going to say (notes)!
You can use notes while you’re talking, but try not to read off your page or look at it too much.​
Whatever you say has to come from the heart!
No copying (plagiarism), be original and authentic, unless citing a source/quote​

Four Helpful, Easy Tips when you are “Presenting your Talk!”
When being introduced, take a deep breath and slowly exhale. Begin by facing the audience and saying, “Ladies and gentlemen….” or “Fellow classmates” (because you are talking to your classmates, for now). After that, pause, then begin your speech.
Like mentioned before, make sure you have eye contact with multiple people in the audience, so that people feel included as you are talking.
Don’t worry about what you have to do with your hands. Leave them at your sides if it makes you comfortable. We will practice using hand gestures later.
And of course, after you’re done, just say thank you.
How do you persuade people to listen and agree with you?
You have to use the following three things:
Ethos: credibility & trust, if your audience doesn't trust you, they won't listen to you.
Pathos: emotion, when you show emotion, people are more likely to be able to relate to you and listen.
Logos: logic, information is always great, but we can't always use it to the point that the speech becomes boring.
What is body language?
1. Stance: You should move during a presentation, but occasionally stand still as you speak…. The way you stand can say a lot about your level of confidence and poise.
2. Movement: This provides variety for the audience. When you walk from one place to another, you attract the listeners’ attention and get them to follow you. Since it attracts their attention, any movement should be purposeful.
3. Gestures: These are the most expressive parts of body language and consist of movement of the head, shoulders, arms, hands, or some other part of the body.
4. Facial Expressions: Your face conveys cues about how your listeners are supposed to react or feel. Your eyes, eyebrows, and mouth play vital roles in showing sadness, fear, happiness, anger, excitement, boredom, etc.
5. Eye contact: This is a big one. If you talk to someone who isn’t looking directly at you and is looking everywhere but at you. You most likely doubted that person’s interest, honesty, and confidence. It also may have made you feel excluded / ignored. This is why eye contact plays a major role in how people perceive one another.

Inspire vs Persuade:
Inspire: Your goal is to excite your listeners about your topic, but not necessarily change their opinions & beliefs.
Persuade: You want your listeners to change their opinions, and make them try to develop the same opinion as you.